Haven't really finished any games lately apart from Castlevania so I'll just list a bunch that I've played recently. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale This was actually a pretty cool game to come across after lamenting the lack of current generation JRPGs, I've only played through the demo so far but that gives you a considerable amount of content. The main premise of the game is to run a typical RPG shop selling all sorts of items like armour, weapons and food. How you get the items is up to you but I think the best way is dungeon runs as long as you don't die. Torchlight II The sequel to Torchlight which improves upon everything by giving you a much more open world, multiplayer mode, new classes, new weapons and a great difficulty system. I haven't managed to play this too much because the multiplayer kept dropping out on my but I did play the beta earlier in the year and that was good fun.