
Showing posts from October, 2012

General update

I was meaning to record the 2nd level of R-Type Delta but something is causing that level to have recording problems. Last weekend I got a pair of Logitech G35s which means I have better audio quality and games sound a lot better as well. I also set up a account for streaming which works well and you can see level 2 there

R-type Commentary Contact 1

Formatted and cleared space on my external computer so now I can start recording videos. Need to replace my microphone quickly though because the audio quality is horrible

Mega Man 1 and 2 Review

Blasted through these on the weekend, I'm surprised I managed to beat them after having a hard time getting anywhere in Mega Man ages ago, I think something about timing must have clicked recently.   Mega Man Mega Man is a game I've been meaning to beat ever since I played it a few years ago, I think I got to a boss once but I was so low on health and lives that I died shortly after. The story line is a pretty basic "Beat the bad guys to save the world" kind of thing but it gets the job done because it's much more about the gameplay.

Game Impressions

Haven't really finished any games lately apart from Castlevania so I'll just list a bunch that I've played recently. Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale This was actually a pretty cool game to come across after lamenting the lack of current generation JRPGs, I've only played through the demo so far but that gives you a considerable amount of content. The main premise of the game is to run a typical RPG shop selling all sorts of items like armour, weapons and food. How you get the items is up to you but I think the best way is dungeon runs as long as you don't die. Torchlight II The sequel to Torchlight which improves upon everything by giving you a much more open world, multiplayer mode, new classes, new weapons and a great difficulty system. I haven't managed to play this too much because the multiplayer kept dropping out on my but I did play the beta earlier in the year and that was good fun.