Media Impressions April

Another post for media that either has too little content for a full review, hasn't been completed, or I just don't feel like writing a whole article for.

Lume is a point and click puzzle game, all of the level is actually filmed which makes it look really nice and then the characters are added on top, the main aim of the game is to get into the house and to set up a windmill to restore power.
It can be completed in under an hour if you know what you are doing, I ended up using a walkthrough because the puzzles felt so unorganised and it wasn't that great at telling you how to do things or what you needed to do next. The first puzzle was obviously the easiest but it requires you to clean up a whole rotating wire puzzle just to connect some wires together and the other puzzles require a similar tedious effort.
It feels kind of empty when you complete the few puzzles there are because it says that it's only part 1 of Lume.

I had high hopes for this game after seeing how they recorded the cardboard level but I didn't really like it apart from the sound and the visuals so I'm giving it a 5/10. It's available from here.


A really weird flash puzzle game that has some brilliant use of colour, interactivity and animation.
At first I thought the game was only the first room until I had a look at a trailer and saw a bunch of different places, then I knew there was something to solve and after that I had a lot of fun solving the weird puzzles.
It's actually a flash game but it looks and works better than you would expect it to which is really cool.

It's almost like an interactive surrealism painting, with all sorts of weird animals, body parts, buildings and plants to play around with. It's only a short game and I managed to beat it in 43 minutes but it was quite satisfying.

Overall I'd give it an 8/10. The first half of the game can be played here

Fallout New Vegas

There's still quite a bit of sidequests and DLC I want to go through before I give this a formal review but I managed to get around to finishing it last night, surprisingly I was closer than I thought I was to the ending.
New Vegas is a post-apocalyptic FPS with heavy RPG elements focused on surviving in the wasteland against mutated animals and bandits with limited resources and negotiating your way through conversations that can turn ugly if you don't say the right thing.
It's unfortunately really buggy, which almost made me lose several hours of progress when a savefile corrupted, and crashed on me way too many times while trying to just beat the game.

The last few missions for the NCR are cool but because finishing them gets really repetitive because you need to go back to the dam, navigate through the offices and talk to one person every single time.
The actual ending mission is the fight for the damn, I played from the NCR angle and fighting all those legionnaires was pretty tough because they kept spawning from unexpected areas and they dealt quite a bit of damage.
The epilogue was also neat because it gave a lot of your actions or inaction a bit of meaning by showing/ telling you what happened, it also reminded me of all the things I need to go back and fix.

I'd give the ending of the game an 8/10

A Certain Scientific Railgun S - Episode 1
I loved the first season after I got used to the quirks and the two new characters who felt useless at the start because they lack any meaningful powers.
The first episode mainly serves as a reintroduction to the setting and the characters which is alright but bored me because I've already had the setting and characters explained to me 3 times in the other seasons of Index and Railgun.

The main focus is apparently the Sisters arc, which I really enjoyed in Index I so it'll be cool to see that in a bit more depth along with the introduction of other espers in upcoming episodes.
Animation looks the same, possibly a bit better but I can't really see any major differences.

I can't really give this a score because it's only one episode and it's really just setting everything up for the rest of the season.


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