Gamedev updates

So Super Mansion Quest is currently on hold, because I got stumped with regards to AI and animations. Instead I'm going to expand the unfinished prototype I made during the last Ludum Dare called Monster Tournament.

Monster Tournament (not final name) is a game about fighting in a tournament against many different alien species and monsters, the opponents you face and the arenas you fight them in are going to be randomised so playthroughs are unlikely to ever be the same.
I'm currently working on a design document and defining the art style early on so I can aim for completed assets instead of prototype art that will be mostly thrown out when all the gameplay features are done.

In other news, Legacy of Barubash is heading towards completion quite nicely, and over the holidays Kamil programmed a text adventure called Quarries of Scred 1982 which you can try out here.
It's a fun game about mining through a cave system looking for diamonds while avoiding unstable rocks, fighting aliens called ranklers and escaping before your torch goes out.

QoS1982 is a text based version of the mining game Quarries of Scred by Noble Kale that just released and is currently on sale for $2!


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