Scourge of Tethys Updates

Over the last few weeks I've been working on updates for Scourge of Tethys. It's now sitting at V1.03
Major things I've added is a main menu theme by z0diakk, an online scoreboard, being able to play with a gamepad and a pause function.
I've also added some small tweaks to the difficulty and controls so the game is more balanced.

You can buy it from as pay what you want:

It can also be played online at Kongregate & Gamejolt.

I'm going to be doing a few more updates to the game over the next few weeks while trying to start a new project.
Here's the full list of changes since the original release:

Version 1.03
  • Scores can now be submitted to a scoreboard at the end of a game
  • Player and enemy ships now have prettier explosions
  • Ship controls no longer trigger while paused
  • A timer now prevents bombs from being wasted
  • Restarting game changed from Z to Enter to prevent skipping score
  • Chasers can now move left or right on spawn
Version 1.02
  • Can now be played with a gamepad (analog stick axes inverted in Firefox)
  • Fixed pause text
  • Shooters now move left and right
  • Chaser now spawns on round 5
  • Main menu music by z0diakk
  • Only one enemy laser sound plays now
  • Extended invincibility timer and prevented moving out of bounds
  • Small time gap between rounds
  • Moonwalking mostly removed
Version 1.01
  • The game can now be paused with P
  • Repackaged zip files
  • Added more instructions
  • Mute button carries over to the main game


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