A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda Review

I got this game in the Indie Royale bundle sometime last year but didn't get around to playing it. Now that have played I kind of regret it. It's a bit of a throwback to games like Super Metroid and Mega Man X but with better graphics and sound.

The story is about destroying the Zytrons who are infecting machines on the spaceship and are planning to destroy the planet, it's very tedious and drawn out in the slow cutscenes and in-game text which will sometimes occur before boss battles making it take longer to retry.
They were also obviously rendered for the console version so they end up looking pixellated on most monitors.

The graphics are a fusion of 2D characters and 3D backgrounds and I think it works rather well along with the sound and music.

The controls were frustrating and needlessly complicated, shooting and aiming is fine and shown by the direction of the characters arm, jumping and movement however is horrendous.
Constantly the double jump will not reach it's full height either killing the character or forcing you to start from the bottom again.
I played with an Xbox 360 controller so the experience with controls may be worse if you only have a keyboard and mouse setup.

The difficulty is only caused by the awful movement, the AI completely locking onto you and the fact that every single hit will stun you for a second which can result in falling to your death many times, groups of enemies can stun you for several seconds making it hard to get anywhere when they keep respawning.

It took me about 2 1/2 hours to get near the end until I glitched on the last boss elevator so I decided to quit because otherwise I would've had to do the whole level again.
In a speed-run I think it would be possible to pass under 1 hour.

If you really like retro action games I'd say give the demo a shot, you might have a better experience than me. Overall I'd rate it 4/10.


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