Costume Quest + Grubbins on Ice DLC Review

Recently I completed Costume Quest and it's Christmas DLC Grubbins on Ice on the PC. It was originally released for the Xbox 360 on the 19th of October 2010 a few weeks before Halloween and released for the PC on the 15th of October 2011 and is available from Steam, XBLA and PSN.
Once again this was a game I played with the Xbox 360 controller.

The game starts out with your typical Halloween night and fraternal twins Wren and Reynold go trick or treating, at this point you get to pick between the two and then go trick or treating. Soon after a monster will grab the sibling you didn't choose because they were dressed up as candy corn. So now you have to get back your sibling from the evil goblins, all while making friends and getting candy.
Grubbins on Ice is just an extension of the main quest but obviously set during winter.

Running about the world interacting with the inhabitants, solving puzzles and beating quests while utilising the costumes abilities was one of the best moments of the game for me.

The battle system is turn based gameplay but relies on you being an active part of the battle instead of mashing the continue button. Attacking and defending require you to do actions such as pressing a button at the right time or rotating the analog stick. Getting the attack bonus can be a deciding factor in a lot of fights along with your selection of costumes and battle stamps.

The art and the art style is brilliantly cartoony but I just wish it was scaled a bit better for higher resolutions because a lot of the UI and textures are just ported straight from the console version, also if you don't have a rather recent video card you may have some frame rate problems with all the graphical options enabled, so I would recommend you turn off the higher options like SSAO and FXAA.

The music and sound is rather simple but is still suitably creepy to fit the theme of Halloween.

There's not too much replayability as the game only takes a few hours to beat including the DLC, but there's quite a few optional quests to complete along with the battle stamps, cards and costumes to collect.

Overall I'd give it an 8/10

My next review will be Psychonauts, another game from Double Fine.


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