Visual Article Day 3

Okay this one is late and as such will probably be the last one so I'll try to write about everything I watched and played on Friday last week. I didn't really do too much focused stuff after that day and I still haven't gotten around to the art part which I'll try again later.

Anyway on Friday I watched an episode of Serial Experiments Lain and Guilty Crown, played demos of Bayonetta, WET, Scott Pilgrim VS the World and Katamari Forever and I also watched Kill Bill Volume 1.
So let's go through all of that.

Serial Experiments Lain is about a girl called Lain, she was messaged by a girl who committed suicide in her class through an Email and becomes obsessed with the internet after that.
It's rather interesting because it's view of computer and internet technology is set back in the 90's and as such everyone is using rather large desktop systems instead of the much smaller systems and screens we actually have today (The size might be a metaphor for computers completely taking over our life?). From what I've seen so far the computers aren't used for much more than some kind of advanced Facebook/email thing, kind of like apple computers are for young adults these days.

The art is rather interesting, the characters are drawn in a much more realistic style than normal (smaller eyes, smoother facial features, normal coloured hair and hair styles), and overall it looks pretty great for a 90's anime.
The outside world is depicted as hostile even during the day, it's drenched in eyesearing sunlight and the shadows look strange and dangerous.
I haven't watched the full show yet so I'll have more impressions of it at a later date.

Guilty Crown is kind of interesting, it's about a guy who gains the power to draw weapons from within other people. The art is really nice with the character designs done by Redjuice which look futuristic and close to a standard late 2000s anime but with a bit more refinement.
There's a lot of strong lighting and composition being used nicely and there's also some pretty special effects going on.

Bayonetta is an action game with gameplay similar to Devil May Cry, I don't think the demo offered enough to have a great impression but I liked what it had.
The controls were alright but I need to get used to playing action games on a controller again.
I definitely liked the art style, it has an echo of the rough and dirty textures used in PS2 games and you get to beat up lots of cool looking angel monsters.

WET is probably best described as a cinematic action game. It's major influence is obviously Tarantino style action films and I think it kind of influenced me to watch Kill Bill on the same day.
The main gameplay is just you taking down goons in slow motion while jumping, sliding or wall-running, it's not really that good because the camera and movement controls feel unbelievable inaccurate and sluggish while doing so.
The models and textures honestly look a bit older than they should for a 2009 game, it's trying to go for a more realistic look when I think it should have been a bit more stylized.
Luckily it does have a blood rage moment where the game is reduced to only a few colours but I don't know how often that appears in the full game.

Scott Pilgrim VS the World: The Game is a side scrolling beat em up, there's really nothing special about it apart from the nicely made sprites and the sound track, if you've played any other beat em ups you'll get the same experience from this one.
There's honestly not much to say about this game and I wouldn't buy the full version based off the demo.

Katamari Forever is an interesting puzzle game where you have to roll a ball around a level to do achieve various tasks. The demo only had two levels, a shop where the ball gets bigger the more you roll over objects and a level where you had to water a desert planet to grow some greenery.
The Roboking is pretty hard to satisfy even if you manage to meet the goal score which made me want to play the same level over and over to get a better score and some approval from him.
The music and sounds are appropriately joyful and energetic.
The graphics are low poly and blocky but they make it look really nice with a textured filter and bright textures.

Okay I've delayed this article for too long and I think it's long enough so I'll write about Kill Bill Volume 1 in another one.


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